There are different ways to enjoy the benefits of CBD, one of which is to use the vape. In this case, simply buy e-liquids at the CBD to feed your electronic cigarette. At the time of purchase, you will find that, compared to conventional e-liquids, those at the CBD are more expensive. What are the reasons?

A higher cost of raw material?

The prices of conventional e-liquids hover around 5 euros for 10 ml nicotinated e-liquid. The level of nicotine contained in the e-liquid does not affect its price. On the other hand, the prices of e-liquids at the CBD depend mainly on the dosage. The price of CBD e-liquid for a low dosage is around 10 euros, and up to 80 euros or more for a high dosage. This price difference is all the more obvious for boosters. Indeed, if a classic nicotine booster can be bought for only less than 2 euros. The price of a CBD booster can be 50 times more expensive. There are well-founded reasons for the much higher prices of CBD e-liquids. Is it the cost of the raw material? As a reminder, CBD is extracted from cannabis. However, this plant is not rare. For this reason, its price is not expensive. Therefore, the high value of CBD is not due to a high base cost.

A high operating cost?

Is it rather the cost of producing e-liquid at the CBD that makes it so expensive? The extraction of CBD from cannabis requires the use of a complex technique and specific machinery. It requires a significant upfront investment. The installation is also sophisticated. On the other hand, like any investment, the initial cost can be amortised over the years. As for the running costs of the machines used, they require hemp and CO2 in particular to be able to run. However, these substances are easily available and are therefore affordable. For these reasons, the high prices of e-liquids at the CBD are due neither to the cost of the machinery nor to the cost of operating it.

Complex upgrading

Rather, it is the upgrading of products to standards that essentially drives up the price of e-liquids at the CBD. It should be noted that cannabis contains many other cannabinoid substances. In many countries, only CBD is allowed. It is therefore important that the extracted CBD does not contain other substances. The standards require a level of less than 0.2% THC. In other words, the THC contained in the extracted CBD must be below this threshold. THC is the substance considered to be a drug in cannabis. Precise controls of the extracted products, however, require expensive methods. These require the use of technologies that are still not readily available and are still recent.